How to embed documents for members only on Google Sites Website

You can use iframes to embed text documents, spreadsheets and other file types or website pages on Google Sites pages designated to members only. These files will be hidden by default and will become visible only to logged in members only.

Step 1: Locate file URL you want to embed to Google Drive

  • Open your Google Drive and select file you want to embed.
  • On the right "More actions" dots popup menu select "Share" twice to open file share settings dialog (or use Ctrl+Alt+A keyboard shortcut).
  • Make sure "General Access" option is set to "Anyone with the link"
  • Click "Copy link" button to get file URL to be used on the next step

If you want to embed file or website page located anywhere else (not Google Drive) just copy it's URL and proceed to Step 2.

Step 2: Generate iframe code for embedding on Google Sites

You can use this tool to generate iframe code. You will need document URL copied in Step 1 and your AuthPro account username. If you do not have an AuthPro account, you can sign up here.

(If you're embedding Google docs or Google sheets document, please select corresponding document type and we'll use it in read-only mode.)

Step 3: Embed code to Google Sites

You can use Google Sites embed code tool to add generated code to your page. You do not need to encode it using our HTML encoder tool, embedded document will be visible to logged in members only.
This method was tested on Google docs, Google sheets and PDF files but you can use it to embed other documents or website pages to be accessible by registered members only.

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Please contact us if you have any questions.