Login to your AuthPro account manager, go to 'Pages' -> 'Registration' page and check "Enable payment processing gateway support" box in your registration settings. Select "Authorize.Net" option and click "Configure" button. Put your Authorize.Net login ID, transaction key and contact email address Click "Update" to save the changes.
You may use existing/standard Authorize.Net buttons and parameters, the only modification you need is a special code to insert digital fingerprint and receipt link URL to allow paid members to generate login/password and access your members area instantly, it looks like this:
<script src="https://www.authpro.com/cgi-bin/pcs/an_insert.cgi?AUTHPRO_USERNAME:AMOUNT:CURRENCY_CODE"></script>
Node: The code above will insert the following fields (you do not need to have them in your button code):
x_fp_sequence, x_fp_timestamp, x_fp_hash, x_currency_code, x_receipt_link_method, x_receipt_link_text, x_receipt_link_url
And you'll need to put these required fields in your button code: x_login, x_amount, x_show_form
Here is a sample button code you can use with small modification :
<FORM action="https://secure.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="x_login" VALUE="YOUR_AUTHORIZE.NET_LOGIN"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="x_amount" VALUE="9.99"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="x_description" VALUE="Member's area access"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="x_show_form" VALUE="PAYMENT_FORM"> <script src="https://www.authpro.com/cgi-bin/pcs/an_insert.cgi?YOUR_AUTHPRO_USERNAME:9.99:USD"></script> <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Order Online"> </FORM>You'll need to put your Authorize.Net login, AuthPro username, and adjust price and currency as needed.
You can also collect members's login and password and pass it to gateway as x_authpro_login and x_authpro_password
5. Finished!
You can test it in demo mode, and go 'live' when it's properly tested.